Thursday 21 February 2013

#2 How to - spatial experiment.

What are the boundaries of the Zone? It's a virtual line, that separates two worlds, two realities.
How to trespass this boundary without being seen?
How to become invisible?
There can be many ways to do so, but how can we connect it to spatial design and my research?
What Stalker did in "Roadside Picnic"? How did he get access to the zone? How he became invisible to others?
He was waiting for the nightfall, with only the moon to light the space around him.
How does this connect to spatial design?
The light moulds the space, and organises it. The play of light and shadow creates illusion of the depth and scale of my models of Zone.
I want to experiment with this idea, and see where it can take me.
Will the light help me to create a space or will the light destroy the space?

[I need to create the source of light, to put it somewhere. Create a planar model.
Different ways of creating/sharing the space.]

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