Saturday 8 December 2012

Question - accr. to Sartre

Если я существую, - существует ли все окружающие? 
Если существует все окружающее, - существую ли я?

If I exist - Does anyone around me exist as well?
If everyone around me exist - Then do I exist?

[found a really good phrase in my language, but when i try to translate it to english, somehow it doesnt come out right]

p.s. посмотреть  "эскапизм - стремление человека уйти от действительности в мир иллюзий."

Monday 3 December 2012

HOW TO: Roadside Picnic - Last.

That's some simplified mapping of their last journey in the book.
First image consist the info about their path and the mention of phenomenons (their description can be found in previous post).
Second image is a very rough geometry of the route.