What i wanted to achieve?
Erase the boundaries between the fantasy and real; between the 2d (film) and 3d (reality).
2 screens:
1) what is Tarkovsky to me
• fiction
• past + unreal
• set in stone
2) what is my work?
• location, site
• present
• ever-changing
Now to further investigate the link - 1) set in stone, and 2) ever-changing.
1) unchanged
images -> almost painting
2) always something to add
visualisation -> object+drawing (pic. below)
For someone, the location we currently occupy - is the absolute reality.
But if we apply Existentialism, then the site can become anything -
this means it becomes anything that I imagine it to be -
it becomes Zone.
What is "to erase the boundaries"?
It's a step-by-step process:
1) i imagine it
2) i find the site/location that match my thinking
3) then my visualisation materialises.
I only need to confirm the concept - that it is a Zone - for someone it's a place N (with a certain position and name), but for me it's a Zone (completely blurred in the space).
What was my sacred wish?
If i say the task of the Zone was to grant the wish of a person, then my wish was to create a Zone, and make people believe in it's existence.
That was the aim of my project.
I tried to make some kind of a plan for the future development of my work. Still, it can change drastically in time.
1) take footage:
- feel the flow
- beautiful / interesting places
- catch the eye
- techniques
- details / objects
2) montage:
- create the flow
- make a story
- directing video
3) create zone:
- create its story
- story of a space
- who / where / what / etc.
4) place on map:
- locate used sites on London's map
- figure out what needed or not
- scale it for comfortable use
5) make model:
- based on my montage
- how i imagine it fall together
- detailed
6*) Visualisation
- retake the model
- create extra video -> how the model works as a footage
Small brainstorm about what i imagine Zone to be or it's features / life in general.
- gloomy
- modern
- alive
- still
- empty
- long
- down to earth
- low height
- macro
- dark / shadows
- spacious
- freedom
- large
- open in a closet
- easy to spot
- mystery
- exploration
- quiet
- still
- slow / fast
- unnoticed
- hints of something more
- dark -> grey
- colorless
- ever changing / ever still
The script is the location.
The actions are not posed.
The very location is dictation the flow of a shoot, the behaviour of random people.
Tarkovsky once gave a definition of a film - it's a "captured time".
That means that the characters are not necessary, what really matters - is the time and place.
How something (location or mother from 'Mirror') changes in time.
What matters is the object of sighting, be it a place or a person.
Because it's Spatial Design, the presence of characters is not necessary, and the subject of surveillance is the space itself.
It would be good to produce such a video that shows the transition of time, be it a rainy April's evening, sunny May's day, morning's mist, night's stars, etc.
Any changes in location (rubbish, windows, graffiti, etc.) shows the lapse of time. [not sure if it's needed]
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