What is narrative?
-- it is storytelling.
-- it is storytelling in specific settings.
Settings --> establish space.
--> establish shooting process.
*forget about Tarkovsky and his images
--> focus solemnly on skills and techniques of shooting
until you feel confident.*
Process --> what and where :
• what/where you picture and how to picture i.
* only after comes the action and plot.
So : --> process establish content.
[establish - to settle firmly in position;
- to set up;
- to prove]
[content - the amount of something contained;
- the subject matter]
"We are reporters, telling the stories of our travels."
I think the Grand Union Canal and the closest park will be my site.
I finally found wild nature and water together and within our allocated site.
Closest tube station is Westbourne Park Stn.
I will be sketching the location until i figure out the appropriate way to shoot it.
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